The output of computer analysis, along with many years of observations and training, help geographers and meteorologists explain the weather occurring at a place. A weather map is one of many products created by the National Weather Service. (The brightly colored ones you see on the evening TV weather program are based on these). Weather maps of present activity and text explanations are issued on a regular basis. Text discussions are provided to help explain what is visualized on the weather map.
Figure 1.11 Output of a forecast map The ultimate goal of our inquiry is to make predictions. In weather analysis the output of data from our weather models is fed back into the equations, run again increasing the time increment into the future. The results of the run are continually fed back into the computer until the desired time is arrived at (e.g., 24 hour period, 48 hour, etc.) From these computer runs a prediction or forecast is made. The steps in geographic inquiry are embodied in the "scientific method". "Dig Deeper into Geography and the Scientific Method" or continue reading.
Assess your basic understanding of the preceeding material by "Looking Back: The Discipline of Geography" or continue reading.
For Citation: Ritter, Michael E. The Physical Environment: an Introduction to Physical Geography.
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